*Japanese follows English / 日本語は英語のあとに記載*

I recently found an interesting TED speech which made me think a little more deeply about the nature of success. The title of the speech is “8 Secrets of Success,” by Richard St. John.

He started by sharing his experience of being asked a question by a high school student
on a plane. She asked Richard what the important factors for success are. To his regret, he found he couldn’t answer the question cohesively, which encouraged him to look for an answer by interviewing 500 other TED speakers and asking them what they think the key factors for success are. His speech is about what he learned though these interviews.

hroughout the speech, he talked about the eight factors shown below, interweaving his discussion with plenty of humor

2. Work
3. Good
4. Focus
5. Push
6. Serve
7. Ideas
8. Persist 

At Veritas
, we organize alumni discussion events once a month where our alumni and coaches discuss a thought-provoking speech, actively exchanging ideas.

As it happens
, we focused on “8 Secrets of Success” at our most recent alumni discussion event. Some of our alumni made simple but interesting points, as shown below.

“He talked about eight key points for success
, but eight points are a bit too many to focus on.”
“We won’t be able to remember eight points.”
I wish he’d talked about only three points.”

must say that I agreed with them.
Inspired by these comments, I decided to try selecting the three most important points out of those eight—the points shown in bold below.

2. Work
3. Good
4. Focus
5. Push
6. Serve
7. Ideas
8. Persist

Many people would agree that “passion” is important for our work as well as
our private lives. I personally have no doubt that “passion” is one of the surest factors for success. 

Also, I believe that hard “work” is critically important for good performance. Looking at successful people around
me has strongly convinced me that “work” is absolutely necessary for success.

Lastly, I would choose “serve”
as being as important as “passion” and “work.” I believe that only when we serve others do we feel truly valued and needed by people. “Serving” gives us a clear sense of purpose in our lives, which drives us to higher levels. “Serving” also gives us a great deal of enjoyment in what we do, which ultimately helps us to succeed. 

Now, which should we focus on first
, out of those three?
In my opinion, we should start with “work”.
Why do we want to start with “work”?

Finding our true passion
sounds simple but is difficult to achieve. In order to find our genuine passion, I believe that we need to fully devote ourselves to something we are currently working on. We have to force ourselves to love what we do, and commit ourselves to it first. 

As we work hard
, it will ultimately become clearer to us what our passion is: what we like about what we do, why we like these things, and why we don’t like other aspects.

As a result,
hard work and true passion bring us good results, ultimately helping us learn how to serve others. Again, serving gives us more meaning in our lives.

If we have “work,” “passion,” and “serve,”
it will create a positive cycle in our life. If we work hard, we’ll eventually become “good” at things we work on. If we are passionate about what we do, we naturally “focus” on things we like. It will then be easier for us to “push” ourselves to fulfill our purposes. And as a result, we’ll also be able to “persist” and come up with good “ideas.”

This is how I selected the three most important points
out of those eight. 
What do you think are the three most important factors for success?

If you are interested, please enjoy the speech I mentioned here.



Richard St. John氏による8 Secrets of Successです。



Passion – 情熱をもつ
Work – 勤勉に働く
Good – 卓越する
Focus – 焦点をあてる
Push – 自分を追い込む
Serve – 役に立つ
Ideas – アイデアをもつ
Persist – 我慢強く取り組む

ベリタスでは、alumni (卒業生) が自由に参加できるalumni discussion eventを、月1ペースで開催しています。そこでは、興味深いTEDスピーチを取り上げ、卒業生とベリタスコーチが混じり合い、活発に議論をします。

実は、最近、alumni discussion eventで、この8 Secrets of Successを議論しました。そこで、参加者の卒業生から、本スピーチの第一印象について、以下のような発言がありました。




Passion – 情熱をもつ
Work – 勤勉に働く
Good – 卓越する
Focus – 焦点を絞る
Push – 自分を追い込む
Serve – 役に立つ
Ideas – アイデアをもつ
Persist – 我慢強く取り組む






Passionを見つけることは、簡単なことではないでしょう。Passionを見つけるためには、空想ばかりに明け暮れず、まず目の前の仕事に、全身全霊で取り組み、Hard workする必要があるのではないでしょうか。与えられた仕事を好きになってみると、そこに自分なりのPassionが見えてくるのではないでしょうか。


