*Japanese follows English / 日本語は英語のあとに記載*I recently found an interesting TED speech which made me think a little more deeply about the nature of success. The title of the speech is “8 Secrets of Success,” by Richard St. John.He started by s ...

*Japanese follows English/日本語は英語のあとに記載*My favorite street tree I see in the city of Tokyo at this time of year is the crepe myrtle tree. Its flowers start to blossom in July when the month-and-half-long rainy season called tsuyu is approach ...

*Japanese follows English/日本語は英語のあとに記載*Throughout this summer, I have been greatly inspired by athletes representing different sports. Their performances also made me realize the importance of role models in our lives.A role model is someone ...

ベリタスでは、新たな仲間を募集しています。Diversity豊かなチームに加わり、楽しく、情熱をもって、共にミッションを実現しませんか?◆ ベリタスのミッション: To develop inspiring global leaders of tomorrow(活力をあたえる明日のグローバルリーダーを育てる)◆ 現 ...

*Japanese follows English/日本語は英語のあとに記載*There is only one day of 2020 left.  As I look back on the past year, as I usually do in December, I thought about one thing:Why do we get so busy in December? In normal times, when we are not facing a ...

*Japanese follows English/日本語は英語のあとに記載*Veritas recently held an Alumni Discussion Day Event.At Veritas, we hold various events which our alumni are free to attend voluntarily at no additional cost. Among these events, an Alumni Discussion Day ...
